Ok I know that there's something that's been on my mind since I got pregnant. I think my mom is a great mother (but then who doesn't think their mom is the best?). I constantly remind myself of all the good things she did raising us hoping to be a fraction of what she was to me. One of these good things is her conscious decisions not to transfer any negative feelings she might have had to me and my sister.
I remember my first earthquake very clearly. We were living in a tall building, and it was at night. We were already in bed when the chandelier started swaying right and left. Mom came to our room, sat on the floor very calmly, and had me sit on one of her legs and my sister on the other. She then started singing with us, swaying with the earthquake. We had such a lot of fun, that over the following weeks we kept asking her when the next earthquake was going to be!
When I reflect on this story I also remember that time when our car caught fire, and when I fell and dislocated my finger, and many other incidents where I saw her react, but not panic. It was her calm yet problem-solving attitude that always saved the day, as well as our mental health, and also demonstrated -unintentionally- what a role model she is. Remaining calm and not panicking in tense situations, and focusing on the fun during turmoil are healthy practices that I wish to pass on to my baby.